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    Product Spotlight: Supplements

     It’s that time of the year again. It’s January and half of America’s new year resolution is to start the gym and focus on reducing that waist line by losing a few pounds. It is a hard challenge. Going to the gym is only a part of the weight loss goal. There are other aspects that come into play and as a merchant this is an opportunity you must take advantage of. 

    While the most popular purchase for the new year may be gym memberships, weight loss supplements are a close second! Customers love weight loss supplements because it helps them lose weight and live healthier lives. All forms of supplements vary in the type of kind, but most are sold as pills and don't take up too much space. They are a good purchase for customers in the New Year. Check out the top 5 supplements that you should have in your store. 

    1. Garcinia Cambogia Extract 

         - This weight loss supplement become popular across the nation after it was featured on the Dr. Oz show. Its side effects are minor, and the results are great.

    2. Hydroxycut 

         - One of the oldest on the list has stood the test of time and for good reason. Using caffeine, it triggers the extra help needed for the weight loss journey. 

    3. Alli

         - Also available as a prescription, under another name, this product is for those willing to take the step into transforming their bodies. It can enable some strong side effects, making it only necessary for a select few. 

    4. Meratrim 

         - This supplement is new to the industry and is causing some waves. Not only does it assist in weight loss, but has other health benefits as well, including reduced blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides. 

    5.Green Tea Extract

         -The last item on the list is certainly not the least. It has many benefits and offers practically no side effects! Young and old use its magic to better their lives. 

    Any weight loss supplement has the potential to be a best seller for the month of January. Nonetheless, these five products are the most popular in the industry and deserve a spot in your store. 


    Source: Healthline