Convenience stores have become popular stops for quick and convenient meals. Foodservice sales increased by 20.5% to $43.2 billion in 2021, yet 6 in 10 shoppers are not happy with the current selection of healthy foods.The post-pandemic world has brought an intense focus on physical health and well-being, as 70% of Americans are more conscious of their physical health post-pandemic, according to the New York Post.
Maximize Your Revenue: Benefits of Accepting EBT at Your Store
Accepting EBT at your store has many benefits for your business. A recent Supermarket News article cited “SNAP households represent 24% of U.S. consumer goods spend.” Opening your doors to this new market can increase your revenue and your store’s foot traffic.
Supermarket News summarized a recent report about the impact of SNAP customers…
SNAP recipients are diverse
- The report found 45% of SNAP recipients have children, 29% have 5+ members in their household, and 37% are Gen Z or Millennia Additionally, a CBPP report states more than 41% of SNAP recipients are in working families and 36% are in families with members who are older adults or disabled.
SNAP recipients spend more per trip
SNAP recipients spend more per unit
Private label brands are outperforming CPG in some stores
SNAP recipients are shopping at more regional and ethnic grocery stores
- Regional and ethnic grocery stores are experiencing a growth in SNAP customers. SNAP customers make of 36% of projected trips for retailers like Whole Foods, according to the article.
SNAP consumers are shifting from eating out to eating in
Based on the data, SNAP recipients are key customers for grocery stores, convenience stores, bodegas, pharmacies, and other specialty retailers. These customers can provide many benefits for your store, so if you aren’t accepting EBT you’re missing out on revenue. Becoming a SNAP retailer may seem overwhelming, but goEBT makes the process easy with these free resources for retailers.