Grocery stores, convenience stores, and bodegas are often frequented by in-store shoppers over an online environment, even with more consumers shopping online in other categories. A recent Grocery Store Dive article broke down in-store shopping statistics by generation and found that...
4 Challenges to Opening a New Location
The convenience industry is demanding and often very difficult for store owners and operators to navigate. Usually opening a new c-store is presents a number of different challenges and can be the most difficult part of owning this type of business. The first step in overcoming these challenges is being aware. If you are planning to become a c-store owner or simply open an additional location, you should get familiar with the most common hurdles in opening a c-store now so that you are well prepared.
Staffing Issues
Although it often seems easier for c-store owners to do all the work in their store by themselves, taking this route usually results in the owner spreading themselves too thin and leaves them too exhausted to be successful. Because finding dependable employees can be difficult, it’s important that you begin the process of hiring before your store is open. Also, if you can find your employees early, you can reap the benefits of their help during the time leading up to the grand opening.
Understanding Technology Options
Today, c-stores are turning toward new technology that can not only make almost everything faster, but also easier for consumers and c-store owners alike. From payment processing and other point of sale technology to advertising at the pump, there are a lot of factors to consider when choosing technology for your new c-store. Take the time to do your research when choosing the right technology to ensure that you are making the right decisions and not paying too much money.
Stocking Your C-Store
The key to keeping c-store customers happy is stocking your store with the products they want and need. For independent c-store owners, especially those new to the business, gaining buying power and finding the right distribution can be difficult. Take some time to research distributors so that you can be sure you’re making the right decision. Also, consider joining a buyer’s club so that you can gain rebates on some of your most commonly ordered product and put some money back in your pocket.
Taking Precautions
Having a safe and secured c-store should be at the top of your list of priorities. Make sure that you not only have functioning alarms and security cameras, but also that you are using secure solutions for processing payments in your store. Also, getting the right insurance for your new c-store is imperative. In case of emergency, you want your business, employees, and customers to be protected.
Opening a new c-store isn’t easy, but when done correctly and carefully store owners have the best chance at building a long-lasting, profitable business. If you’re considering a new business venture in the convenience industry or expanding your existing c-store business, you should not let the challenges deter you. Instead embrace the many resources available to c-store owners, including all the opportunities available through goEBT and C-Store Solutions.