If your store is experiencing high sales and low profits, you may need to re-evaluate your profit margins. Profit margin measures a retailer’s profit after subtracting cost from how much you sell the item for, if this number is positive then you are making money. As a business owner, you always want to maximize your profit margins so that you can maximize your revenue.
Merchant Snapshot: Exxon 220
Pragnesh Shah opened his North Carolina Exxon location in October 2017. When he first began operating his gas station, Pragnesh realized that he had a great opportunity to make the most of his c-store space. This ambitious store owner started enhancing his business right away to increase foot traffic and boost his profits.
To accomplish his goal of becoming a one stop shop in his community, Pragnesh has added all of the following products:
- Propane
- Lottery
- Hot Food: hot dogs, burgers, chicken, potato wedges, biscuits, sausages, etc.
- Dippin' Dots
- Beer
Becoming a member of our exclusive Buyers Group and taking advantage of our Preferred Products has made stocking his c-store much easier and much less costly.
Besides growing his product offerings, Pragnesh also took the steps to provide solutions for his consumers that simply make their lives easier. So far, Pragnesh has already began accepting Bill Pay in his store and is enjoying the added benefits. Pragnesh has also signed up for his store to become a PUDO Point and can't wait to get started.
We're excited for Pragnesh to continue growing his Exxon store with goEBT's C-Store Solutions and wish him the best with his plans to open additional c-store locations.
Are you interested in goEBT's Bill Pay solution? Find out more about the solution that is helping c stores like Pragnesh's get more business!