Convenience stores have become popular stops for quick and convenient meals. Foodservice sales increased by 20.5% to $43.2 billion in 2021, yet 6 in 10 shoppers are not happy with the current selection of healthy foods.The post-pandemic world has brought an intense focus on physical health and well-being, as 70% of Americans are more conscious of their physical health post-pandemic, according to the New York Post.
How the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act can support the health of your business
Now more than ever the American people will be turning to local businesses to meet their families’ nutritional needs. With the economic impact of COVID-19 the number of applicants for government assistance has doubled. As part of the U.S. government’s $2T stimulus package, an additional $15.5B has been allocated to the SNAP/EBT government benefits program.
At this unique time in history, we at goEBT want to assure you that we are still here to support the success of your business.
goEBT is fully operational. Our customer support team has successfully transitioned to remote workstations and is available as always to address any questions you might have. To learn more about how goEBT is adapting during this time of change, visit our COVID-19 update webpage.
During this unprecedented time, we thought you would find this 60-second point-of-sale sanitation video from PAX, one of our new equipment partners, useful. Following these tips could help decrease the spread of illness and keep your employees and your community healthy.
Note: Do not spray cleaners or other solutions directly onto the terminal keypad.