While we have numerous customers scattered across the country with unique qualities, this month's Merchant Spotlight provides a wide range of products and services for their customers that many others can not match. Knicker Knacker Market and Grocery Store has built a business for anyone that may come walking through their doors, which is why they have become so prevalent among the people in its community. If you are located in the Montgomery area or perhaps, just passing through, make sure to stop in and see what makes Knicker Knacker so special. Knicker Knacker Market and Grocery is located at: 163 Lee St. Unit A, Montgomery, AL 36104.
When I began speaking with their owner, Ron Dean, I asked him, "What is it that you sell? What makes Knicker Knacker different compared to other businesses?" Mr. Dean's response astounded me. "We sell a little of everything. We fix computers and we have a travel agency in our grocery store". Mr. Dean said the best way to describe his business is a bodega of sorts. Fixing computers and planning people's travel arrangements is quite different, but Knicker Knackers is also home to regular goods for everyday customers. They sell simple food items, hygiene products, prepaid gift cards, as well as, souvenirs and books. Mr. Dean's focus on providing the most for his customers does not end there, though, as he plans to offer beer and wine starting in October of this year.
Being a business owner in a big city like Montgomery has meant a lot of competition for Knicker Knacker Market. With several C-stores in the surrounding area, Mr. Dean had to develop a strategy that would out-rival his competitors and make his business more appealing to the community. When I asked how he said, "We are several businesses in one with great customer service!" Now, there is no question that they compile multiple businesses into a one-stop location for the most convenient experiences, but Mr. Dean makes service his priority when someone enters his store. From the time a person walks in, Mr. Dean provides, "a warm welcome and a fond farewell" to remind customers that his diversity goes beyond his products or services, and carries into how he serves others.
With all of the businesses we feature, we put a spotlight on the struggles they face. Like many business owners, every struggle is unique and we believe sharing those stories can help other businesses and owners in need of inspiration. Knicker Knacker Market faced a common struggle among C-stores and that was a lack of foot-traffic, low customers, and little advertising to make his store a house-hold name. With hundreds of other stores in the area, Mr. Dean had to make his business known to people and outshine rival businesses to be successful. Mr. Dean stuck to his key principles and committed to his customer base day-in and day-out. He served anyone that came around his neck of the woods, which has made him known to the local community and travelers. Mr. Dean told me a lot of his growth came from his usage of social media, business cards, and flyers given out to the people around him. It is safe to say his number one advertiser is word of mouth and his ability to retain reoccurring shoppers after they arrive.
A lot of good came from partnering with goEBT. Through our business, Knicker Knacker was able to offer services for his customers that he originally could not. Our services added more diversity for Mr. Dean and his store, and made his brand more distinguishable from the rest in the Montgomery area. The simplicity of our systems and low flat-rate for our service has allowed our business to shine brighter than other processing companies, which is why Knicker Knacker and Mr. Dean have shown their loyalty to us for more than nine-years! Like Knicker Knacker market, we strive to offer the best goods with the most outstanding support system for our customers. Without people like Mr. Dean, we do not have a business, which is why we want to provide him with the best opportunities to help Knicker Knacker Market and Grocery grow.
We would like to thank Mr. Dean for sharing his story with us, and providing great feedback to help our business improve. As previously mentioned, a large part of his business was built off of social media so feel free to follow him at: Knicker Knacker Market on Instagram, @KnickerKnacker1 on Twitter, and Knicker Knacker Market and Grocery Store on Facebook.